Saturday, 28 December 2013

New Year's Revolution

It's coming close to that time where everyone makes New Years Resolutions. People resolve to be nicer, lose weight, not swear as much, quit smoking, quit drinking, to go after their dreams. I stopped doing resolutions years ago because I decided that if I wanted to quit/start something I was just going to do it and I didn't need it to be a new year to go for it.

It is my thought; after a lengthy discussion with a dear friend of mine; that we are going to have a New Year's Revolution instead. A revolution of enlightenment, a revolution of self, a revolution of art, word and musicality. I'm not making promises to myself I won't keep -- just a promise of self exploration. A promise of helping change the universe for the better, and hopefully, maybe helping myself in turn.

Viva la resistance! Viva la revolution!

Vendi, Vedi, Vici

One Last Glimpse,


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