Friday, 15 July 2011

Read the fuckin sign douche!

I love my job. Well, okay I LIKE my job.. I LOVE my boss. She is hands down one of the best bosses, if not THE best boss I've ever had. We get along great.

I work part time at a gas bar. Nothing terribly stressing, although surprisingly there are nights where things go to hell in a hand cart - but I'm no nuclear physicist or cardiac surgeon. LOL I can leave my work behind when I lock the door at the end of the night. And I like that.

There are a few simple, easy to follow rules that you, as the client need to know and follow. They are as follows:
(And for you non reading english folk, they're in lovely pictographs right on the side of the pump for your convenience.)

1) You are responsible to pay for your gas when you pay at the pump. If you DON'T get a receipt and it says "Please see cashier" (that's me)...PLEASE come see the fuckin cashier!! If you attempt to drive off, this is what will occur. We will get your make, model and plate of the car and call the cops. THEY will call you, you come pay. If you REFUSE to come pay, they come and GET you and you end up paying anyway.

2) Turn OFF the car when you pump. Yes, I know people who've done it and they've all lived to tell the tale. (My Mom did it...and I'm pretty sure I'm still alive) but just follow this rule and I won't have to shut down your pump or come over the PA system and embarrass you in front of everyone and tell you to turn off your car.

3) Don't let your 3 year old kid pump the gas. It's illegal and potentially child abuse. If he or she decided mid-pump to yank the hose out of the tank it could be catastrophic. Bottom line is, if you're not old enough to drive it, you're not old enough to pump it. Capiche?

4) Don't use your cell while pumping. Like seriously, come ON! If we all go kablewie, I'm going to have to kick your ass. Do you REALLY want that? Yea, me neither.

5) For the love of FUCK (and yes dear readers there are people out there who have actually done this...I've SEEN them!!) DO NOT SMOKE WHILE PUMPING GAS!! If you MUST smoke right at THAT moment....tough fucking shit, suck it up and wait.

In the 8 months of working here, I have met some outstanding folks and a couple people who truly deserve the fucktard of the year award. It's a crapshoot on a daily basis, some days good outweighs the bad, some days it's the other way round. But I guess it's the same in any job.

One Last Glimpse,


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