Thursday, 29 December 2011

No shit Sherlock

There's something electrifying about some performers. From the moment they hit the stage or screen they captivate you and draw you in until nothing else exists except for you and the realm they draw you in to. They're enigmatic, irresistible, completely captivating and usually very sensual and rich in both personality and being.

Quite often performers such as these are capable in multiple arenas (although not always is this true) some are specifically special at just one gift but all always look very good at doing whatever it is that they are doing. Very good indeed.

You might think; after reading these opening paragraphs that I was; of course, speaking of Duran Duran. Although this time, I can assure you I am not. This time I am speaking of the incomparable Robert Downey Jr.

On Tuesday I had the joy of going to the movies (I love going to "the show" as my Mom used to call it). I went to see "Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows" with the aforementioned as well as Jude Law as the ever studious and pragmatic Dr. Watson.

Having thoroughly enjoyed the first movie I was very excited to see what awaited me in the sequel. I avoided (as I tend to) as many spoilers and trailers as I could for this movie. I knew that the character of James Moriarty was more forefront in this movie but aside from that I knew nothing.

The movie has lovely cinematography as well as some great CGI. The costuming is spectacular and the action sequences are amazing. As almost all Robert Downey Jr. movies this one did not disappoint. He is truly a renaissance man who can do it all. He is completely electrifying and has a je ne sais quoi about him. Of course the connection and energy between Downey Jr. and Law ranges from compassionate to comedic. You can truly tell these two care about each other off the screen as well as on.

Law plays the "straight man" to a "t" and no one can quite play manic like Downey Jr. (Lone exception perhaps being Johnny Depp, but even then it would be a tight race in my humble opinion).

If you enjoyed the charm and lure of the first Sherlock Holmes movie you won't be disappointed with the second. And of course as always, Downey Jr. could both charm the pants off a nun and sit on a chair saying and doing nothing and I think he would be brilliant.

Mind you...I feel the same way about a certain band as well.

One Last Glimpse,


Thursday, 22 December 2011

Random thoughts vrs 1.0

I know I said that my last blog entry might be my last before Christmas but this kinda grabbed me and I thought I'd blog about it.

Someone just tweeted that they wondered if this was Duran's "Farewell" tour (JUST their personal random thoughts this person had, this is not rumor NOR is it fact). However it seemed...odd to me (personally I don't think that it is) BUT...I'd like to give my thoughts on that. Let me start by saying that if it IS their farewell tour, at least I can say that I got to see them. First, foremost, and hands down. No regrets. HOWEVER...

Let me explain moreover why I DON'T think that this is their "Farewell" tour.

I honestly think that Duran have a connection with their fans now more than ever and there is a mutual respect there. I think, had that been the case, that they would have said "This is our Farewell tour" not because I think they owe that much to us (which I do) but I don't think John would be able to keep something like that quiet for THIS long. (Sorry M'Lord Tweetleaks - Love you though!)

I think there was a massive scare when Simon lost his voice, the future was unknown for all of them. But I think with this 'second chance' that they've been given they know well enough not to fuck with what they've got. They know enough to do the BEST they can do and that they too are fallible. They're not these omnipotent beings that are untouchable and they'd better take care of themselves.

ANYONE who has watched them closely in interviews, read the tweets, watched them on stage this time around...this is the most fun I think that they've had in YEARS. Everyone is sober, everyone is healthy, everyone is clean and in a positive place. They're supportive, they genuinely care for each other. They hang out OUTSIDE of work. Dom tweeted he was at Simon's house the other night to watch a football match and for dinner. If you don't give two shits about someone you certainly don't do that.

And to be 100% honest, had ANY tour been the "Farewell" tour, it would have been Astronaut/Reunion tour. I mean really...go out with the original five members. But they didn't.

Let's not even mention the fact what a massive success the "All you need is Now" album has been not to mention the "G1RL PAN1C!" video film (which currently stands at 4,766,489 viewers in one month's time). I personally think they'll finish up this world tour, take some time off and always...go back into the studio. Which will probably take a year to complete - during which time John will release his book and we'll be back to where we are or were not 3 months ago embarking on another tour. These are just my thoughts though.

I mean it's possible perhaps I'm deluding myself into this comfy, cushy thought process because I don't want to think about the ride being over quite yet. And it's certainly been a ride for these last 29 years...but I don't "wanna get off" and  truthfully I don't want them to "slow down the roundabout" yet. But then again I don't think I have to worry about that, I suspect there's a few more spins left to go round.

One Last Glimpse,


Wednesday, 21 December 2011

2011: A year of dreams, desires and disasters

Another new year is approaching which has caused me to reflect on 2011. It's had it's definite ups, absolute catastrophic downs and on occasion from one end of the spectrum to the opposite within hours of each other. I have made some amazing lasting friendships; life altering ones; that I'm glad I did. It's been quite sometime since I really let go and let people in the way I have. And honestly, it's been far more rewarding than I anticipated or fathomed. So thank you. You are a blessing, a treat and it's really been an honour to get to know you. Thank you. xoxo

I have had brief, multiple contacts with people I have idolized since I was a young teen. People who have; know it or not, like it or not; have helped shape me into who I am today. I can never thank them or repay them enough...congratulations it's partially your fault that I'm the warped and twisted individual I am today! Awesome! Of course I'm kidding...mostly. Suffice to say I am thankful and blessed for their time, energy, and interactions.

2011 was a great year for so many reasons...I got my life long dream of having a bass guitar, which honestly I love more than words can ever express. It's a part of me, an extension of me and I love my husband dearly for making my dream a reality. I don't play it as often as I would love to what with work, life, etc but when I pick that instrument up...I slip into another world and I love it. It's something I can get lost in and every time I play it I feel like I'm accomplishing something.

I had the experience of a lifetime of finally getting to see Duran Duran in concert with one of my dearest friends ever, and sharing it (in a round about way) with others who have become increasingly important and integral in my life. And for that I am thankful. Truthfully, the good this year has outweighed the bad. Mind you, the bad was horrendously tragic, however I have wonderful family and extended family who have supported and loved and listened to me. So thank you...thank you...thank you. You are exceptional, exquisite and amazing people who I am truly blessed to have surrounding me. Thank you for your support, your love, your opinions...I truly treasure these relationships, friendships and sisterships/brotherhoods we have created. 

I'm looking forward to Christmas this year; I usually do, it's my favorite holiday; despite the noticeable absence of my nephew Bradley. We had the Kirkey Christmas party on Saturday, and no one mentioned him. Although my sister in law Megan (Brad's Mom) brought Sierra (Brad's girlfriend) her Mom and her little sister with them. Which was totally fine. I think she needed that and I think Sierra did too.

My sister in law Maureen gave me a photo of myself, her, Mary and Megan that was taken at last year's Christmas party in this lovely glass "Sisters" frame. Just above Maureen's head is a hand doing the "bunny ears" or "peace sign" attached to an arm that stretches out of the photo. I said to Maureen "Is that Brad's hand?" She smiled and said "Yea..." with a sad smile. I love that picture. It's not only a great photo of the 4 of us, but it's one last "photo bomb" from Brad. (Something he was known for). I love that she took the time to find it, print it out and go get the frame to put it in. 

We're going to church Christmas Eve. As you all WELL know, I'm not a religious churchy type person. However Alan's Grandmother goes, she's getting up in years and hasn't been well. Not to mention Megan said she was going and I truly think she needs all the support she can get. And since the big guy and I have had a chat and he promises not to turn me into a pillar of salt or sending a stray lightening bolt for crossing the threshold of a church since I'm going for support,  I'm going. Besides it's just the Christmas Story, some singing and then cookies and punch in the basement. If I can't handle THAT for the sake of family...then I'm a real asshole...and since I'm pretty sure I'm NOT...

Anyway, while I'm pretty sure this won't be my final blog entry for may be my final one before Christmas. So on that note I wish you a very, very Merry Christmas...or Happy Christmas as the Brit's say (Which quite frankly, I've always kind of liked!). Or whatever holiday you may celebrate!!! May you all have a wonderful day (or days/nights), get lots of great pressies and make some wonderful memories.

Much love from me to you.

One Last Glimpse,


***A special thanks to @Semibold for the photos of Nick and Rog...You are the bomb lady!!

Friday, 16 December 2011

Random writing: "Vampiric Embrace"

Random writing while at work this evening, enjoy! 

He was watching her again from the shadows, as he often did. Her skin was luminescent, her eyes of the purest ice blue, her hair long and flowing. A raven shade with a tinge of blue in the right light. She was captivating to all around her. Exquisite, other-worldly. Perfect.

He dragged his tongue along his elongated canine. He growled under his breath as a pang of lust filled hunger struck him. And he was hungry, starving in fact. He felt a stirring inside himself when he looked at her. And it was not the first time. He clicked his tongue once more against his tooth and shrunk further into the shadows.

He stepped out of the club and into the night. The air was crisp and it had been snowing again. He put his head down, thrust his hands into his pockets and began to trudge throw the snow. He looked up to see where he was going sporadically, and occasionally to look at passers by. But aside from that he did his best to shut out the world.

"You left so quickly Seamus...didn't even say good-night." she was perched on the bench as he approached, "That was rude...don'tcha think?" she turned her ice blue gaze to him. He faltered in step, stumbling to a stop in front of her. She stood up within inches of him and licked her lips.

"You...startled me Morghan." he managed

She cut him off "Are you certain you want to venture down this path Seamus?" she said breathlessly as she twirled his long dark locks between her perfectly manicured fingers. She cocked her head to one side. He was striking. Tall, sleek, sexy...but no self confidence. She could fix that.

He opened his mouth to speak, quickly she put her finger to his lips, slowly shaking her head staring into his dark chocolate eyes. A smile crossed her lips as she stared at him, his mouth still agape. He was captivated, mesmerized and under her spell. Had she told him to bark like a dog he would have. Gladly. She inhaled deeply, capturing his scent in her nostrils. She once again smiled as she closed her eyes.

"Seamus...I like you..." she said giddily "So, I'm going to give you a chance..." she said turning her back to him.

"A chance?" he replied softly, "to what?"

Slowly she turned around to face him, her blue eyes shone as bright as the moon. "To run..." she said simply revealing her fanged smile.

One Last Glimpse,


Wednesday, 14 December 2011

What the feck did I smoke before bed last night??

Okay, let me preface this by saying it has been many, many moons since I smoked ANYTHING (legal or not). I took some medication last night before bed however and I don't know if it had anything to do with my dream or not. I'll say not as it makes the following story much more interesting and also...I've had bizarre dreams such as this WITHOUT taking medication in the past. Which disturbs me a smidgen...but anyway...

I had this dream I was on this boat...we're talking full on Titanic-esque cruise ship. It seemed like everyone I ever knew, or knew of...was on this ship. And I do mean E_V_E_R_Y_O_N_E. At one point we're dressed in these costumes (1800's wear) and Me and someone or someones (I want to say I was with 2 or maybe 3 other people but I don't know who) go running up to Alan who is talking to the Captain. He's speaking to him in a semi-casual sort of manner but also as if he is the first mate but on leave or something. ANYWAY we go running up and I look at the Captain COMPLETELY bewildered because I *THINK* it was someone like Nick Rhodes who COMPLETELY LOATHES boats/sailing and gets violently seasick (I don't know that it WASN'T Nick Rhodes -- but I don't know that it WAS either). Anyway I'm looking at the Captain and I'm totally confused as to why THIS person is our Captain knowing how they feel about boats and sailing. At this point now things have shifted and we're in normal clothing and out of the costumes we had had on.

It's daytime and we're heading at a decent clip, I want to say we're in the English Channel but honestly I'm not sure (I've never BEEN IN the English Channel so I wouldn't know the English Channel if it walked up and slapped me in the face, I'm just telling you what I know!) Anyway!! But for WHATEVER reasons we're sailing straight for Nazi warships (keep in mind as far as *I* recall we're in modern times this was not a period piece dream aside from the costumes we were wearing earlier, so where the hell the Nazi's come from is BEYOND me). We explain to the Captain and Alan that we're heading towards these Nazi warships and perhaps we should steer clear of them. I remember they had these BIIIIG huge ass swastikas on the steam funnels. I don't recall being scared as I figure I WOULD be; considering...I just recall thinking UGH really?? Nazi's??  And I remember saying "If we get in their way they're gonna be pissed off and the last thing we need are screaming, angry Germans on our hands having little Nazi temper tantrums". LMAO  I know we steered clear of them, but I don't know if they saw us or if anything happened after that but ya...there you have it.

Like I said...what the FECK did I smoke before bed last night?

One Last Glimpse,


Monday, 12 December 2011

Oh the weather outside is... EFFING COLD

I wish it would just snow...but be warm. I know that's a total contradictory idealism since it needs to be cold TO snow...but ugh - I hate the cold. I don't mind the snow. I like the snow where you can wander around in jeans and a sweatshirt and a scarf and a pair of gloves...and you're fine. I cannot stand this weather where your nipples are SO hard that they could not only cut through glass but also through just about anything else, including a diamond. Do men have this problem? If so...why don't they ever speak of it? Are they too busy ogling our breasts and nipples to care? These there the things I want to know about.

I'm working tomorrow, off Tuesday and Wednesday, work Thursday and Friday off Saturday and Sunday. Saturday is going to be a busy one. Saturday afternoon is Alan's mother's side of the family's Christmas party. It's a 2 hour function and is generally pretty painless, and is actually being held about 200feet from my house. Saturday evening is a party at my friend Nat's house, her yearly Christmas soiree which I'm certain will be another fun filled evening! I'm very excited! I have a new outfit for the occasion and everything!

Tomorrow morning I am going to go and purchase one of those Christmas know the kind. The one you are SO excited to see the person's face when they open it that you can barely stand it and you haven't even bought the gift yet. You see...Neil Diamond is coming to my sister and I were raised on the Holy Jewish Trinity as I have made mention before. Neil Diamond was a big hit at my Dad's place. In June he will be here in my city. I am going tomorrow to go buy tickets for myself, my sister and my Dad to go together to see him. But if you see my Dad...act like you don't know anything! He is going to be completely blown away and I am so excited!! It's just one of those gifts you know?

Speaking of my sister it's her birthday tomorrow (today - the 12th)...I didn't get to see her like I'd hoped but I'll see her at Christmas at my Dad's so it's all good. She'll get her gift then. Anyway, it's now 1:46am and I need to go to bed. I have to be up and downtown by 10am tomorrow to get those tickets!!! I'll post tomorrow and let you all know how it went!

One Last Glimpse,


Sunday, 11 December 2011

Playing catch up: What day of Christmas are we on?

Ok so when last I left you...It was snowing (didn't amount to much except a dusting), Lexi's birthday was approaching (it's today). We had a great family dinner out at this lovely Japanese/Korean restaurant we go to sometimes...had a huge ass feast of sushi and various other foods and a wonderful ice-cream cake that was decorated by the store but that we added to (She wanted a Harry Potter cake but no one has the rights or licenses to make them so we bought some Harry Potter stuff and added them here at home! LEGO Harry and Hagrid! with some writing on the cake by yours truly ala Hagrid in the first movie "Happee Birthdae Lexi" and night of decorating the tree - which still needs lights) and all was well. She got an Adam Lambert CD and the final book in her Eragon series that she has been DYING for. She was one happy camper!!!

All is still well, although this week has been...weird...

My friend; whom I have blogged about before (the one that I'm currently not speaking with); I re-found on twitter...and while he hasn't tweeted in just over a month, I'm oddly compelled to send him a tweet...although I fear he'd either vanish again or block me. Perhaps it's because it's close to Christmas and I just want shit to be back the way it was because I'm feeling overwhelmingly sentimental. I'm not sure. But I do miss him. He had been on twitter (the whole reason why I started on twitter to begin with), and then when things went to shit he deleted facebook and twitter. Now he's back, and like I said while he hasn't tweeted in a little over a month, to know that he's there...makes me really miss the shit. He played a significant role in my high school years, if I want to admit it or not...and the fact that we're not talking now at all...bothers me. More than I like to admit. Even when we WEREN'T talking (before all this went down)...we could still touch base and say "hi, hey I'm here..." but now there's not even that. I mean I know he's out there, I know I'd hear if things went catastrophically wrong...but after this year, and Brad's death I don't want to wait until things go "catastrophically wrong". Because's too late and I can't say the things I want to say to him. I can't fix the things I want to fix, even if things don't go back the way they were...they can't stay like this forever. I know he's a stubborn son of a bitch, but I also know him well enough to know that he's thinking of me too. (And by "me" I mean our group of friends that he has cut himself off from).

I also found my first high school crush on facebook (the one I said reminded me of John). Upon stalking his profile (which is REALLY well hidden btw), he still looks good (imo) but looks NOTHING like John now. I mean I guess I can still see it when he REALLY does a full on toothy smile like John...but not nearly as much as he used to. He does look like someone famous though but I just cannot for the life of me figure out who...whom? (My dear personal editor... help a sister out! who or whom??) Anyway, the answer is no before you ask...I didn't send a friends request. His profile is hidden for a reason, if he wanted to be facebook friends...he knows my name, he could have easily found me (and could very well have looked me up already for all I know). But I have left it alone for now... I'm sure you're asking yourself "If his profile is so well hidden, how did you find it?"...By complete and total random fluke. I had looked for him a couple times on facebook and didn't find him. I knew he owned a salon in Toronto so I googled him (he is or was a hairdresser at one point, I THINK he owned or owns a salon with his wife) and followed a facebook link to another Salon and was like WTH he's on facebook?? So then I followed THAT link back to his profile and stalked his photos. Cute kids...twins...I think?? I dunno. He looks happy though...which makes me happy. He could  always be a bit of a self-absorbed egofuckstick of a tease, but not in a complete and total loathsome dick of a way. But he WAS a tease...good LORD. LMAO He was generally a nice guy, and at one point a good friend whom I really enjoyed spending time with...we had a lot of laughs, and even got a little 'wet and wild' together thanks to a certain someone...*cough* Rachel (which is one of my FAVORITE memories EVER...with ANYONE! -- Wonder if he remembers that night Rach? LMAO!!) In any event it was nice to get a look in to his life and see that he's happy.

I did NOT get to 'play the fucking bass K'; which has me a little cheesed; but it's okay I know I have time off Tuesday and Wednesday so I'm sure I'll get a round to it at that point or perhaps even tomorrow sometime. We'll see what can be the meanwhile....

One Last Glimpse,


Wednesday, 7 December 2011

On the fourth and fifth days of Christmas...

It's snowing this evening. I'm rather excited. I love snow...from around this time of year up until around the first week of January. Then it can go away. Alan loves snow, the more it snows the better he likes it. He's a sick bastard. Love him dearly...but he's a sick monkey none the less. And I mean that with the utmost love I can muster.

This coming weekend is Lexi's birthday. I have to get her cake ordered and situated, I have one more thing to pick up for her for her birthday (besides a card) and get it all wrapped up. She wants to go to dinner which is fine, I have no problem with that. It's expected and a-typical of what we do. However I also plan to put our Christmas tree up at some point. It's been far too long without having it set up and I can stands it no longer!
I need some twinkle lights before my head explodes!! Okay, not literally but you get the idea.

I need to take some time this week and play my bass. Even just 20 minutes, I've been woefully neglectful and my fingers feel it every time I pick the bass back up. I just need to be diligent and do it. I also need to transpose some of the story I've written into word so I can send it away for safe keeping.

So much to do this week so little time. Busy busy busy! I'm also going to look into tickets for my Dad for Neil Diamond. He's coming here to London in June. I would love to go with my Dad and Kristen. I think it would just be a real treat and a lot of fun. I mean really...Neil fucking Diamond. He's just one of the ones I was raised on that has a soft spot in my heart. The guy kicks serious ass. I mean, really. I was raised on Diamond, Manilow and Streisand. The Holy Jewish Trinity. I guess it will all depend on how much the tickets are in the end. I'm willing to pay an okay price for reasonable seats but I'm not about to put myself in the poor house for them.

In the meanwhile...Hava Tequila...or is that Hava Nagila?

One Last Glimpse,


Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Andy Taylor...

***I'm going to make's January28th, 2012 - about a month or more since I posted this blog entry. I'm actually going to re-read it and re-edit it where I feel necessary. I think I was a little angry perhaps when I wrote this, and my anger is misplaced.*** ~K

 Before I start this post, let me say I have no intention of bashing down Andy Taylor. My intent of this blog is to try to look at all sides objectively.

As I've said before...Andy Taylor (much like Warren Cuccurullo and Dom Brown) have etched his notch into Duran's history and legend. Andy is a wonderful guitarist who has made contributions to Duran Duran pretty much from it's inception or damn close to it. Yes, John played guitar before Andy came into play so he wasn't always Duran's guitarist however to be fair, Andy hasn't always been Duran's guitarist either. Warren has logged on the books more time than Andy has as Duran's guitarist. (Warren 12 years, Andy 11 years respectively).

I get the whole "Fab Five" reunited mentality. And quite frankly before all is said and done I think I wouldn't mind seeing them perform together 'one last time'...but in Simon's words "Things would have to change". Indeed they would. Having watched "Live from London" the footage is truly staggering. It's amazing to see the five together again, but on the flip side of the same's sad to see the varying degrees of the members onstage. You can see there are times where Simon tries to pull Andy's focus back in to what they're doing, and it seems like Andy is oblivious or maybe he just doesn't give a shit when he aimlessly wanders the stage. Or maybe that's just how he is. I dunno.

Now, I know guitarists are known for their eccentricity and occasionally alcohol or drug battles. I know they tend to parade around like their cocks are 2 foot long and they are king of everything. But honestly and truthfully having seen Dom play, as much as I would love to have seen the "Fab five" together...I think it would be a distraction for me to watch Andy perform. Does it mean I dislike Andy? No. I think some of his actions  he's done in the past on the guys are of quite the level of ultimate douchebaggery, but I don't hate the guy. I don't even KNOW the guy for fuck sakes. I only know what I have read and seen and heard. But I wasn't there, so I don't know exactly what has gone down in the past...nor would I want to even wager and harbor a guess. Truth is stranger than fiction and there is always two sides to every story. Usually somewhere in the middle is the truth.

I mean there IS talent there absolutely without a doubt. The cat can play. Quite frankly, I don't know if I could ever see another reunion between them. I think he's too set in his ways and them too much in theirs. Their just on totally different pages at this point, Duran is so in the right now, going full throttle and the I think Andy is plodding along, doing is own thing, making his own music. I don't think it's ever going to be salvageable relationship, and permanent reunion. I could see maybe a "one off" concert or something. But other than that...

And I feel for Dom ya know? People always rip on him for NOT being Andy. (Although I notice no one ever says that he's not Warren - woops!)  I mean the guy DOES an AMAZING job. He fits well but because he's not the original bail on your loyalty to the band and say how you wish Andy was back or that Warren was a better guitarist than either of them (this is stuff I've read folks! Don't shoot the messenger!). That's just...wrong. Good on ya Dom...if you ever (by some fluke) read this, I think it's about good God Dammed time Duran had a guitarist that wasn't off the rails somehow. Having said that, it's my understanding Andy had a heart attack within the last few years. I hope he's on the road to a healthy future and I hope Andy's new album Motherlode does really well and I wish him nothing but successes. But as for getting back with Duran? I doubt it would ever happen aside from perhaps a handful of shows or a "one off". Oh well. Only time will tell, but my money is banked on Mr. Brown instead of Mr. Taylor. Sorry Andy. xx

One Last Glimpse,


Sunday, 4 December 2011

Television Characters and Me

So, without giving spoilers away...Alan and I have certain shows we watch throughout the week. A lot of them we pvr and watch later due to my work schedule. Currently many of them are on their winter hiatuses and won't return until the New Year...One of the shows we watch we pvr'd this week. It is at a pivotal point in the story, and we are about 7 seasons in. I was late to the start but jumped in with the DVD's around season 3 got caught up and have been hooked ever since.

Last week's episode was a real cliffhanger, and truthfully I thought it was going to winter hiatus at that point. Then I found out that no, in fact it was on this week. So...eager to find out exactly what in the blue bell bottomed FUCK was going on, we pressed on and pvr'd it to watch today. Big mistake. Huge.

I have this habit of watching shows and becoming seriously emotionally attached to characters. I did it with Denny Duquette and George O'Malley in Grey's Anatomy, Col. Henry Blake in M*A*S*H the list goes on. ESPECIALLY in programs that I like, so because of this when someone gets ill, dies, or something tragic, sad, devastating happens to them...I am gooned.I get so emotionally invested in their well being and react just as I would if something happened to one of you.

Well, something happened in this character's realm that sent me reeling last week and continued into this week's episode. So much so it was at the point where at the end of the episode, not only is it only a BIGGER cliff hanger than the week before, but now I am in HYSTERICAL sobbing tears. I mean full on sobbing. And as I am known to do I turned to my husband, slapped him on the thigh, on the tummy or on the arm (lightly of course) and exclaimed those eight words he is all too familiar with..."WHY DO YOU MAKE ME WATCH THESE THINGS?!".

NOW...I have to wait until the new year to find out exactly what the hell...Damn tv shows making me an emotional basket case. Idjits.

One Last Glimpse,


Saturday, 3 December 2011

On the third day of Christmas...

So this morning after dropping off our eldest daughter to work, Alan and I drove out the other side of town to go and get our meat order from the farmer's market. We have two here in town and the last time he went to one of them (the one we DIDN'T go to today) it didn't go so well. Alan tends to be a little twitchy when it comes to places like that; due to his PTSD; but he said he was willing to give it a go so out we went.

The Trails End is a large long sectioned off farmers market. It has an area for produce, an area for furniture and an area where meat and pretty much everything else is sold. Alan and I were wandering through the last area when he said to me "Hey...what's upstairs?" I said "I dunno I've never been up there..." So we went up. And that's when I saw it. The vinyl. Like a tractor beam it pulled me in. I was helpless. I quickly pawed through the album covers laughing mockingly at some of them recalling them in my parents and grand-parents collections.

And that's when I saw a beacon out of the darkness. Arcadia - So Red The Rose. I grabbed it...then I saw Notorious and grabbed that too. Suddenly it wasn't as mockingly funny anymore and I became like a rabid hunter. Very territorial. No one could look through the records for sale until *I* was finished, even if they had wanted to!...A second copy of Arcadia came into my sights...I grabbed that so I could choose between the two and get the best copy. They were used after all, so it was plausible that one may be better than the other. I also saw an album by Nik Kershaw that I grabbed having loved Nik Kershaw back in the day.

Now...I don't have a record player anymore...and I'm really quite hoping that Santa doesn't disappoint me this year and gets me one...or I'm well and truly buggered. Wouldn't that be funny? ....Not so much. That fat and jolly man would be finding my fat foot up his fat arse and making a hasty trip down to the local Future Shop or hitting up post haste.

One Last Glimpse,


On the second day of Christmas...

Boys were in B'ham tonight. How exciting would THAT shit have been to see? I mean yes, okay you play Toronto on your birthday, you play LA to a bunch of famous people, you play Madison Square Garden... all epic dates in their own rights. But I mean...B'ham? Your HOMETOWN? Brilliant. I think out of all the places in the UK you could see them that would absolutely top my list, followed closely by London. I mean would just be such a brilliant energy and vibe. Ya know? A-mazing.

I'm off tomorrow and Sunday. Thank the Gods. I've got things I really want to do tomorrow once we get Jessy to work. I have to go do some groceries but also I need to get some of these Christmas gifts done. I hate leaving it to the last minute. It just annoys the crap out of me. I mean I know what I'm getting people (all except Alan). Not that I'm going batshit crazy but...I like to have it done.

I just ordered my first Christmas gift. Not for me...but for my eldest daughter. I know she'll love it...and I kinda am a little excited to have gotten it for her. I don't even know she knows it's out there. Tee hee! Yes...I do rock just that much thank you. That's exciting to me though ya know? Getting things for people that they don't expect. Or things for people who expect nothing. It's fun. And I love it.

And I'm writing. I'm writing great stuff. Or at least what *I* think is great stuff. I guess it's all subjective. I wrote a piece the other night that was just a random one off opener to a story that quite frankly... I think is great! I don't know that I'll use it for anything...but I think it's fanfuckingtastic. I let my husband read it just now and I think he was a little surprised that *I* wrote it...but not surprised. Confused? Yea me too.

It snowed a little today...which was so exciting. I just wish it had stayed. Here's hoping we have a White Christmas.

One Last Glimpse,


Friday, 2 December 2011

On the first day of Christmas...

It's 7:38 and it's snowing. It's Friday...I have to work tonight and I've committed myself to helping my youngest sister in law this morning (in about an hour) and I've had about 5 hours of sleep. Today is NOT going to be fun...but I'm sure I'll struggle through it. It's not something I begrudge Mary and I certainly wouldn't call her at this stage in the game and say I can't come help. Oh well, it's just one of those things.

I'm mentally working through a list in my head as to what I'm buying my crew for Christmas. I've got a general idea and thoughts out...except for Alan. I keep coming back to 2 things. One of which I CANNOT afford, the lame. LOL I'm sure I'll have what we call around here a "House epiphany" at some point (** A "House epiphany" is that moment in the television show of House M.D. where he figures out exactly what is wrong with the patient and gets this "look" about him).

My sister is coming down not this weekend but next for her birthday as well as Lexi's birthday (my youngest). Their birthday's fall a day apart. I'm super excited and looking forward to it. And I've found the perfect gift for my sister...if I can find it.

7:48 Bleh probably should go get dressed.... I don't want to, and yes...I'm stalling...but I did commit myself. Or is it that I should be committed? Awww hell now I'm going to have "I wanna be sedated" stuck in my head. Not because they're the same thing...but because they're similar...Oh shut up I'm not awake. LOL

One Last Glimpse,


Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Gentlemen...start your engines!

I've decided I'm willing to concede the fact that the UK shows are probably going to be exponentially better (if that's possible) than the North American leg. For a multitude of reasons. Really...we didn't have to wait or have a delay for when we saw them. It's my understanding our dates were pretty much when they should have been. But the UK they've waited since May (or so) not even to mention the fact that it's on home turf.

John has already stated he's a ball of nerves, personally I think he's a feistyfrisky ball of nerves going on his tweet response to poor Victoria (@boxfullohoney) who I'm certain fell out her chair at work. Gods know I would have!

But I mean really...Come on now. It's the home crowd!! It's no different than any other band. That is absolutely not to say that they didn't rip the roof off every joint they went to in North America, because judging by reviews and testaments by other Duranies they absolutely did. I know they certainly did in Toronto the night I had the privilege of seeing them. But it's a different vibe I'd wager playing on home turf, a completely different ball of wax.A little more nerve wracking, a little more exciting, and likely a different crowd and vibe. But then again I think it's always been that way really. How exciting for them though - for everyone. The UK guys have waited for months. I think it's all going to be just stellar. I'd love nothing more than to see them in the UK. I think that would be a thrill and a half! 

They don't have much longer to wait now, and judging by the fact that Simon was up at 1am this morning tweeting, he's about ready to set sail and fly too. One day more guys... so as they say here in North America...


You're in for one HELL of a ride...again.

One Last Glimpse,


Monday, 28 November 2011

The past comes back to haunt...and is put to rest (somewhat)

I don't know why, but I haven't been able to let go of wanting to see "the house" (prison) I was trapped for 2 summers of my youth growing up in Toronto at my Aunt's. I don't truthfully know why I want to revisit that point in my youth. Perhaps for some sort of closure. Perhaps to let the house know in some way that it didn't beat me and win. Mind you, it's not the house's fault for all that I had to endure at such a young age...and honestly the quite lovely visually. Aside from the fact that (if I recall correctly) the kitchen is small, and the basement is of no real usable size, it's a lovely home. But it conjures up such anger, sadness, detest, loathing, and unmitigated rage in me...that have nothing that I can compare it to. And again, it's not the house's fault that I feel this way. It just is how I feel.

I have asked my Aunt in past what the street address was for the place and she informed me she was "Unable to recall" at the time. I remember thinking to myself are you just saying that because you don't want to tell me or honestly do you not remember what it was? I asked her again in email passing (we were conversing via email) so I decided to strike while the iron was hot and ask again. This time I got the street address.

I went to Google and input the address. The one it came up with I was confused because truthfully I didn't recall it being so close to the main intersection. But then I realized while it had given me the correct street it was not at the exact address I wanted. So I inched my way down the street. I was nervous I'll admit. I had a knot in the pit of my stomach, and a lump in my throat. But I had to see it. I had to look at it (even if the photo was taken a year or more ago - which it was). I still had to see it.

When I first set my eyes on it...I felt nauseous and anxious. I felt a sense of doom wash over me like I was 4 years old all over again, and then sadness. And then...nothing. No anger, no rage, no detest, no remorse, nothing...Actually...I think I thought 2 things. 1) I thought there was a large tree in the front yard they must have taken it out. There is a tree on the front lawn however it's a much younger tree - the tree that was there was HUGE and shady and I believe more in the area where the front path was put in towards the sidewalk - it wasn't there when I was there. And 2) I hope no one was foolish and painted over the wood work in that home it was lovely. I'm not sure what I expected really, it's not like the house is evil and an entity of it's own. It's not like the house trapped me for 2 summers of my life and imprisoned my sister and I there. I'll always have that anger. But this is about something different, they're two separate issues.

So I guess after 36 years I can somewhat put that chapter of my life to bed so to speak. Although I've not been to the house in person I now feel almost at peace with it all. Funny how just looking at a photo will do that. While I'll probably never remember nor will I know if anything untoward occurred in that house, I feel calmer when I think about it now somehow. The offending person is dead and the other likely never would talk about it anyway even if she DID know if anything went down that shouldn't have.

I feel better now...for now.

One Last Glimpse,


Sunday, 27 November 2011

To tell the truth...

So I've been thinking about this and going around and around about it in my head and the rest of the voices and I have's time. I'm going to tell you something. Something so sinister..okay maybe not dark or sinister but it is something about myself that only a handful of people know. Okay it's not about me per se...but it involves me.  But it's something that I have decided after much thought, much painful deliberation that it is time to come clean. Be honest you know...fess up..."Open confession is good for the soul" (Scottish proverb) and all that.

I know you're thinking to yourself...Kendra Maureen! What could you possibly be keeping from me? I thought we were friends! Family even! Well, we are...and honestly do you think I tell you everything there is to know about me? The answer to that before you rack your pretty little head is "No". Quite frankly I don't even think I know everything there is to know about me. If I did...I'd likely be some omnipotent being that would float around on some cloud.

It's something though I honestly wasn't sure about for certain until about a month ago. I hadn't made that final leap. That final decision. Yes...this was a DECISION keep that in mind. I made the choice...not a doctor or NO I'm not sick or dying.  I am perfectly healthy (aside from the fact that I need to lose weight). This was a choice, a decision I made...something within my own control. (How rare is that?? LOL) And quite frankly...truthfully had this year not gone the way it had...had I not come into contact with the people that I have...I may never have come to this decision. To this epiphany. To this...truthfully...quite possibly life altering decision. Or if I would have taken me a lot longer to get there I think. But life is funny sometimes, and can turn on a dime...and sometimes if you're very lucky what you've been searching for your entire life is staring you right in the face and just been very patiently been waiting for you to notice it.

And no I'm building this up and then tell you something daft like "My hair isn't it's natural colour" or "I think John Taylor is still as attractive as I always have" because those are 'gimmes' and I wouldn't insult your intelligence by writing that. Although that would be hysterically funny. Can you imagine getting through all this only to find out that I've confessed something you already knew that was as lame ass as that? Yea, I wouldn't put it past me either. But that's not the case. I promise. Like I said though, a select few of you already know this it's not a secret to some of you.

And yes...I'm not writing out what my big secret is yet, I'm stalling. Why? Not because I want to lay out the anticipation more, or because I think this is funny. But's one of those things...once I say it, it's out there, and I can't take it back, and I'm having a little bit of anxiety. Well now you're thinking "If it's that big of a deal don't worry about it". And perhaps you're right. I mean truthfully outside of just 'encouragement' there's really nothing anyone BUT ME can do about it.

Okay, I think I've stalled long enough...I hope you're not let down when I reveal my secret. If you are...Sorry! I have decided and have been working on a novel. There. I've said it. It's out there and I can't take it back. It's a romance novel...and I know right there I've lost some of you, but truthfully it's got humor in it so it's not all fucky and sucky. Even a romance novel has to have substance. I'm in the early stages of writing; but so far personally; I think it's good. And those who have read it think it's good. There have only been two people who have read what I have written and likely it will stay as such until it gets ready to be published. Anyway, there you have it...I've spilled my secret.

One Last Glimpse,


Post-script: I have sat on this for the last few days trying to decide...even though I had this all written out that if I posted it...what would be the personal repercussions on myself? Did I know what I was setting myself up for letting everyone in? Did I have it within me to share this secret with you, and have it not make a difference on the outcome?  And I doesn't make a difference. It's my decision. It's my choice and it's something I feel good about. It's something...I'm going to follow through with. And if nothing comes of it, at least I know I tried. So we'll see where it goes...what happens. What does it hurt after all? And there you have it.


Friday, 25 November 2011

Memory: It's not just a song from Cats

I was having a conversation with a couple people on Facebook tonight (about Duran) when I suddenly had the epiphany, I know FAR too much and retain far too much information about this band for someone who's never worked for them. I think I should start charging. Either that or write a damn book. Honestly, if I put half the damn energy into other tasks and things I want to accomplish I'd be done by now! Why I hold onto so many "useless" facts about this band is beyond me. (Okay not useless -- but you know what I mean) Quotes, dates, etc. It's really. I mean...there is a WEALTH of Duran trivia locked up here. *taps head*

It's not like I can just do a memory dump or format the hard drive and start over - not really that I'd want to. I don't mind having this ability to recall information or memories this well. And (Gods forbid) if I ever have Alzheimer's I'll miss my mind when it's gone. Although with my luck I'd probably forget to Alan and the kids are but retain PERFECT knowledge of who Duran is and all that those memories and information encompass.

But really it's not JUST for Duran though, just stupid little quotes and things people have said or done over the years. Dates (normal) people would have long forgotten. Just the other day I was driving along with my friend Nat when I recalled a memory from when I was probably about 6 or 7 from out at my Dad's. We're talking down to a finite detail. It scared me. I quickly got on my cell phone and texted my sister Kristen asking her if she too recalled this memory (thankfully she did and I didn't sound like a COMPLETE crack-pot).

I have no idea WHY I have such an exceptional memory I just do. I've been complimented on it before, I've had people come to me asking me to recall memories because they cannot. It's scared me on a couple of occasions the detail I've been able to go into. Occasionally I have felt like some sort of mutant or defect because of it. When I say great detail by the way...we're talking who was there, what time of day, if or not it was raining, who was wearing what...what was said... like down to the most minuscule detail. I've even said (when I'm recalling a memory) "Don't you remember this?" And they usually look at me like I have 5 heads and say "No." I guess I assume because I remember stuff the way I do...EVERYBODY does.

But having said that...I dream and converse with dead people and people that I have never met. So my judgement is suspect.

One Last Glimpse,


Thursday, 24 November 2011

Returning to Now: Almost a month later

For the first time the other day since October 27th I listened to Return to Now/Before the Rain while I was driving to work. I found myself instantly back in that moment, and those emotions of that moment I found they were quite raw and still very eagerly came screaming back to the surface and I began to cry. Not sob...but cry. A happy cry to be assured. I'm still back in that moment...even though the experience has long gone, and there has been significant emotional events occur since was nice to know I could conjure up that moment, and those feelings and they were so readily willing and able to revisit me. I took it as a true gift, and for that I am thankful.

Things have been far more positive lately. Work is going well, with some positive possibilities on the horizon. Good and exciting things are happening for friends - positive, uplifting things. One of my friends is having a nervous break down (in a good way) because someone; whom she idolizes; told her recently she values her opinion and as a friend. Not just as random person_01 but as a friend...And I couldn't be happier for her. Did I mention this someone (the idol) is a rather famous someone? I mean c'mon! That's exciting right? Being told by someone you idolize first off that they feel the same way about you, and then the fact that this person is famous...that's really kinda awesome.

Christmas is coming it's still over a month away and yet I am so eager to put the lights all up and everything. I'm so excited. I get like a little kid at this time of year...more so than normal. Getting gifts is fun and all...but honestly... I love giving gifts. I've got two of my gifts already thought out and pre-planned. I just need time to sit and meticulously work out the finite details of exactly how I'm going to pull this off. But it's going to be truly an awesome Christmas. There's just something about this time of year that turns me into an even bigger kid than I usually am. I guess Christmas means I can just get away with it more readily. Tee Hee. So bring on the bells, holly, mistletoe and the pervy mall Santas! I can take it!

Who WOULDN'T want to find this under their tree I ask you??? Oh GOD can you imagine if he was a pervy mall Santa?? I'd be getting in the line up repeatedly!!! Mind you I think I'd have to fight off a certain Kiwi for my turn.... :P 

One Last Glimpse,


Monday, 21 November 2011

Insomnia ramblings: Awake again...naturally

It's 2:11am (that's KCLT as opposed to 7:11am JTLT or 11:11pm JMLT -- HAHA...sorry J couldn't help myself!) on Monday morning. I work in a little over 12 hours and I am sitting here, at my computer wide awake. I've been to bed once for near to an hour with no luck of going to sleep...although not for lack of trying. But quite frankly it's hopeless once I start singing in my head. I might as well get up. Tonight's soundtrack started off with a little "Sexy Thing" by Hot Chocolate, followed by "Close to Me" by The Cure. By the time I hit "Hold Back the Rain" I knew I was fucked and it was time to get back up before I started full on go-go dancing in bed. 

So here I sit, by the warming glow of my computer screen writing this. What's more, my hubby is now awake and downstairs with me (Gods love him) which is fine. But Not only did I succeed in NOT going to sleep...but I also succeeded in waking him up as well. Go me! Although I must admit, even though he has reassured me that it is fine...I feel a tinge of guilt for waking him up as well. I have no idea why I can't sleep. I wish I COULD would make life oh so much easier truth be told.

This week I work two, I'm off two, I work two. Which, I think... is nice. My week is a little bit more split up, but I feel more rested for some reason. I'm not sure why. I work Friday and Saturday though...which kind of sucks as those are prime "date nights" so if I wanted to do anything I really can't but I'm sure I'll live. ALTHOUGH having said that I'm done by 8pm on Saturday night so technically I could still go out Saturday night if I wanted to.

I found out this evening that in late August/Early September of 2012 the musical Wicked is going to be in Kitchener (about 45 minutes from me). If you have not seen Wicked, or have no idea what Wicked is I will enlighten you. First it was a book (series) by Gregory Maguire which then became a Tony Award winning musical..and in my humble is brilliant. It's essentially a prequel to the Wizard of Oz, however parts of the musical do take place within what would be the movie. After watching the movie for years and many times over...and then going to see this musical - it blew my mind. It takes EVERYTHING you THINK you know about Glinda, Dorothy, and the Wicked Witch and the realm of Oz and turns it on it's ear. It's truly an incredibly brilliant show. If you have the opportunity or the interest... You MUST go. It's fun, funny, thought provoking, and an emotional journey. Like the Wizard of Oz, it is absolutely an all ages show. 

I'm finding it increasingly more and more difficult not to put up my Christmas decorations. I know it's not even the end of November, but truthfully I'm dying to do it. I'm eager, that's no lie...really there's no point in even trying to deny it because I'd fail miserably. However when I was a kid we never put our tree up before my sister's birthday on December 12th. Mostly because we always had a real tree and had my Mother bought, and set up the tree much before the 12th it would have looked like such a dried out piece of crap come Christmas morning it would have been a sad and pathetic sight. So we never did it. However, through the miracles of technology, and the improvements of fake Christmas trees...not to mention the unwillingness to have to water the sucker ever 2 days, and trying to keep the cats out of THAT mess...we have a lovely tree in a box. So the Christmas spirit may just find it's way into my home sooner rather than later. ;)

I know exactly what I'm doing for my kids this year for Christmas, which is unusual for me. The one I AM stumped on is my husband and what to get him. I have a few basic ideas...but of them there is no way I can afford it (we're looking at probably 1200$) and the other...I don't even know where to start looking for that without flat out asking him. And I don't want to do that. Where's the fun in that?

Alright I have rambled for almost an hour now...and like it or not...I need to get some sleep. So for now my sweet lovelies I will depart. For this one time I will leave you not with the immortal words of Simon John Charles Le Bon but those of Stephen Schwartz composer and lyricist for Wicked and the song "Defying Gravity":


Something has changed within me 
Something is not the same
I'm through with playing by the rules
Of someone else's game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes: and leap! 

It's time to try
Defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
And you can't pull me down! 

Can't I make you understand? 
You're having delusions of grandeur:
[ Lyrics from: ]
I'm through accepting limits
''cause someone says they're so
Some things I cannot change
But till I try, I'll never know! 
Too long I've been afraid of
Losing love I guess I've lost
Well, if that's love
It comes at much too high a cost! 
I'd sooner buy
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I'm defying gravity
And you can't pull me down:
(spoken) Glinda - come with me. Think of what we could
Do: together.

(sung) Unlimited
Together we're unlimited
Together we'll be the greatest team 
There's ever been
Glinda - 
Dreams, the way we planned 'em

If we work in tandem:

There's no fight we cannot win
Just you and I
Defying gravity
With you and I
Defying gravity

They'll never bring us down! 
(spoken) Well? Are you coming? 

I hope you're happy
Now that you're choosing this

(spoken) You too
(sung) I hope it brings you bliss

I really hope you get it
And you don't live to regret it
I hope you're happy in the end
I hope you're happy, my friend:

So if you care to find me
Look to the western sky! 
As someone told me lately:
"Ev'ryone deserves the chance to fly!"
And if I'm flying solo
At least I'm flying free
To those who'd ground me
Take a message back from me
Tell them how I am
Defying gravity
I'm flying high
Defying gravity
And soon I'll match them in renown
And nobody in all of Oz
No Wizard that there is or was
Is ever gonna bring me down! 

I hope you're happy! 

Look at her, she's wicked! 
Get her! 

:Bring me down! 

No one mourns the wicked
So we've got to bring her



One Last Glimpse,


Sunday, 20 November 2011

The Death of Originality: Long live the 80's

With all these remakes of classic movies/tv shows it makes me weep (even more) for our future generations. Do none of these up and coming musicians or movie makers have an original thought? It's creeping into music now too...I hear so many remakes on the radio these days it's not even funny. Songs that have had lyrics changed but the tune is so similar or a blatant rip off from an 80's song that it's not even funny. Oh sure they'd say it's "sampling" I call it rip off plain and simple. It's pathetic really.

And yes...remakes of songs have been going on for years. I get that. So has sampling of other songs. Shit, even Barry Manilow took part of a Chopin song and made it into a classic back in the 70's - that was even before we knew what "sampling" was, before it even had a name. (Chopin and Mr. Manilow respectively -- I urge you to take the time to listen to both...This song is the reason why I ended up playing piano in the first place, rumor has it I started playing this on the piano and that's when my Mother decided I needed to go into piano lessons).

I guess what REALLY burns my ass is the fact that these new artists aren't paying the original art form the proper respect they're due. IF they were making something of equal quality or perhaps even surpassing their predecessors then I wouldn't complain...but it's a big money grab and they seemingly just don't give a crap, and they shit all over the body of work that they are trying to improve upon. There is the odd occasion where they either get it right or surpass the original, but those moments are so vastly few and far between. I just don't get it.

Perhaps I'm a little...over protective of my youth. Perhaps I need to let go and broaden my horizons. I dunno. But I swear to fuck if that little Justin Bieber twerp ever even THINKS about touching Duran...he'd better grow a set first because quite frankly...they're way WAY out of his league. He'd be better off sticking to singing Usher tunes. (JUST for the record NO I have NOT heard that young Twerp err I mean Justa Beaver err I mean Justin is DARING to tackle a Duran song...I'm just SAYING...a...forewarning if you will).

Anyway, I guess what I'm saying is...can someone pleeease have an original thought? Or, if you want to redo someone's art. PLEASE have the courtesy to at the very least attempt to make one almost equally as good if you cannot surpass the original? Is that really too much to ask?? Thanks in advance...

One Last Glimpse,


Saturday, 19 November 2011

Question, question I've got a question! Version 1.0

Before I start this blog entry let me preface by saying I have been very blessed in my life to have been given the musical opportunities that I have been. When I was 5 until I was 16 I took classical piano lessons from a professor of music that was trained in Italy (he was from Italy - Professor Romeo Fracalanza). When I was 12 I began viola in school and took that until I was a senior in high school. I was in choir from grade 6 onward in school and my vocal teacher in high school was completely brilliant and now tours (rather successfully) as a tenor opera singer. I also took 2 years of classical guitar in high school. Like I said, I've been very blessed in my musical opportunities.

@jencutler1asked me tonight on twitter how long I've been playing bass for. Tihs is a rather difficult question to answer for me. I took double upright bass for about 6 months in public school in grade 8. I switched public schools for the first half of grade 8 and my class had no bass players in it. Since I read music, I offered to the teacher to play bass so that my class would have a bass player. I switched back to my old school later in grade 8 and my old music teacher decided that she wanted me back on viola (read: "Control freak") and so my bass playing days came to a screeching (albeit temporary) halt. In high school my friend Nat dated a guy who's brother played bass and I frequently played around on his bass. But I think that was when I was about 15 or 16...and since then...I haven't played.

In May about a month before my 40th birthday in June my husband (as I have previously blogged)   bought me my beautiful, gorgeous, stunning bass that has been dubbed "Rio". Rio is dark brown Peavey 4 string BXP bass guitar very much like the one our lovely John Taylor plays currently.

I feel... like I have forgotten how to play bass. I don't feel like I'm LEARNING to play...although I am. I feel more like I'm remembering...and its as odd for me to write that as it is for you to read it.

Since I started in earnest back in May, I have learned (by Duran) via a youtube tutorial how to play: Serious. By ear I taught myself: Safe and All you Need is Now. I'm currently working on Save a Prayer as well as Come Together by The Beatles. I sat one day and also taught myself Love Removal Machine by The Cult but to be honest as much as I adore the song, after learning a Duran Duran song...the line in The Cult song was a snoozefest. So I left it behind. But it's another song I can play.

I enjoy a challenge musically. So who better to have as your idol for bass playing than someone who has been noted by others as a brilliant player but makes things far more elaborate than they need to be? (Yes that has been said about John). But in my opinion that "elaborateness" is what lends itself as an integral part of Duran's original and unique sound that I've always loved.

So in answer to your question Jen... "in total" I guess it's been close to 2 years that I've played. Mostly self taught, although I did have classes at school on the double (upright) bass. But honestly...truthfully it feels oddly like it's what I've always done and known how to do.

One Last Glimpse,


Class Personified

It's funny - you think you know people, stars, or your idols after you've read enough about them. You think you know all you need to. But do you? Or are you clouded by your own personal affinity and affections or disdain for the person that an accurate picture can't truly be formed? Let's face, it the media is not always kind and stories can and do get blown out of proportion. I mean really...

But then...on the odd occasion even after you've formed your own thoughts and opinions about someone, you've  read things (good, bad or indifferent) you find yourself in unexpected conversation with people or the person you never in a million years you thought you would be and you find out that they're exactly the type of person they are. In this case, the person I'm speaking of...I'm very pleased to exactly what I envisioned them to be like (from the limited actual personal exposure I've had to them).

You see, I've always liked Julie Anne Rhodes. I've always felt she was not only beautiful and glamorous, but intelligent and smart as well. (And yes...there is a difference).

For those of you; who don't know who Julie Anne Rhodes is; she is a former model as well as the ex wife of the keyboardist Nick Rhodes of Duran Duran. She is the bloggess extraordinaire and owner of The Roving Stove . She always takes the time out of her personal chef career to answer (most) questions and take part on her website. She's funny and uplifting. And she's also in by books...class personified.

Today the Duran site announced that Nick had received an honorary doctorate from the University of Bedfordshire for his contribution to the Arts. Before Jewels Tweeted or Facebooked anything having to do with her own business...she took the time to both Tweet and Facebook her personal congratulations about Nick (her ex husband's) honor and doctorate. Only a class act would do that. Class. Act.

One Last Glimpse,


Friday, 18 November 2011

Veni, Vidi, Duranie (I came, I saw, I Duraned)

I'm at work and it's far busier than normal for any Sunday that I've worked so far since we opened almost a year ago. The Boys (it's funny at 50+ how they're still referred to as "Boys") are down in Brazil at a festival they're playing at. They actually (according to the wonders of technology and all that is Twitter) just finished a truncated set and now John is watching Peter Gabriel from side stage. How odd and yet extraordinarily cool that must be to watch someone you idolize and enjoy performing while you watch them "side stage".

I don't think something like that could ever feel like it was common place or normalcy, although after 30 years I suppose to them it would be for he most part. Or it could be... or have the potential to be. Would it make i any less exciting? No, I'm sure not. Do I think they take advantage of heir position? Maybe sometimes...who wouldn't? I'm sure though that they've learned over the years when and where to name drop and use their station without being labelled a pratt, git, arrogant or a general brat or pain in the ass. It also comes with maturity I'm sure as well. I mean they're still John "Fucking" Taylor or Simon "Fucking" Le Bon of course, just now (dare I say it?) a might more mature, grown up version. Okay, maybe not.

I've felt more myself the last few days... which is great because I was feeling completely out of sorts. It was disturbing actually. I've been short agitated and just generally bitchy and cranky lately. Mind you as I said before I hadn't even come off the high from seeing Duran in Toronto when Brad passed. I've not handled his death well (for me) normally I'm fairly even keeled and very much a move forward, move on, see them in the next life (if not before) kind of girl. But he was so young, and his death was so heartbreaking-ly tragic that it's been difficult for everyone. There's things that were left unresolved with so many with him and now there's no chance for them to resolve the issues. The guilt for them is palpable and is something that they'll have to live with for the rest of their lives. I'm grateful that the last thing I said to Brad was "Love you".

I'm listening to my MP3 player here at work and Simon is singing "Save a Prayer". This lyric (among others) has always had me baffled. (I know you're thinking WOT? A Simon Le Bon lyric has you baffled?? Say it ain't so! I can't imagine it! Oh, but it is...) "Don't say a prayer for me now, save it till the morning after." The morning after what exactly? The next morning? Why wait? And what exactly did he do the night before that he may require a prayer for the next morning? (Clearly by this last paragraph it has become obvious I have far too much time on my hands here at work). But seriously? Don't even get me started on "Union of the Snake". What the fuck does a snake need a union for? Do they have dental? (And why in the hell would you want to stay a cold day with a lonely satellite? Why is the satellite lonely in the first place? Am I seriously the only one who wonders these things?)

Anyway...what was my point again?

One Last Glimpse,


Wednesday, 9 November 2011


My sister Kristen and I were talking the other day about different concerts I've seen over the years. I got thinking about it...and it's an interesting list.

My very first concert was a Canadian band called Platinum Blonde. I was in grade 9 and another Canadian act Animotion opened for them at the London Gardens. (Although that was not supposed to be my first concert had things gone the way they were supposed to go...Bruce Springsteen would have been my first concert (although had I had MY way Duran would have been my first concert -- but I digress!). My Mom had bought tickets from someone that she worked with boyfriend. Two weeks before the concert the tickets were confiscated into evidence when he was busted for scalping Tina Turner tickets for her Private Dancer tour. Ooops!) So Platinum Blonde it was. If you've never heard of Platinum Blonde it's really no big surprise. I don't think they really broke out any further than Canada (maybe into the States somewhat but I don't think much further...) They're biggest hit as I understand it was probably this one called "Crying over You".  Probably not my favourite one that they came out with, but definitely their most popular. (Animotion had their own hits with Obsession and later Room to Move ).

My second concert was supposed to be David Lee Roth (when he was solo from Van Halen). I had purchased the ticket but one of the people I was to go with (who was driving) claimed he "didn't have room for me" (which was bullshit - he just didn't like me). So while I had the ticket...I didn't go. I found out the next day that not only was there room for me in the car (Angus drove this big ass "boat" of a car)...but that DLR had been brought out into the audience on a surf board and been taken right past my friend Natalie while she screamed and cheered in delight. Rat bastards.

I saw Glass Tiger , and Honeymoon Suite (my two favourite songs for H.S.) at free concerts in Victoria Park (a local park here in downtown London). As well as Kim Mitchell at a hot air balloon festival here in London. All of these are Canadian if you haven't heard of them...don't feel bad. While they all have their own absolutely qualities about them...I don't think any of them are still around and together performing (that includes Platinum Blonde and Animotion for that matter -- at least one member of Platinum Blonde passed in the last few years).

I think the next concert I saw wasn't until the late 90's (as we won't even discuss the whole Duran Duran Wedding Album tour heartbreak fiasco). I saw Savage Garden (again one of my favourite songs one of their more known ones). I saw Savage Garden on their final tour together -- what a brilliant show that was. I am a huge, huge Savage Garden/Darren Hayes fan. They are the only ones (aside from Duran) that I could listen to for hours and not be tired of the music. I have loved other bands/groups/musicians and while none have EVER surpassed Duran...I think Savage Garden/Darren Hayes is one of the very few that have come close.

I saw Nsync (three times total). The first show had Pink open for them when she had released her first album. While Nsync's show was always brilliant and entertaining - Pink was completely amazing. She sang, in tune, without being able to hear herself. I was floored. I would go back to see Pink any day, any time, any where.
She was just that good.

The next show I saw was one that Mar-Cat and I went to see together. New Kids on The Block. Mary loved New Kids growing up. And I'll admit it...I liked them too. It was an exciting milestone in our sistership to be able to enjoy them together in their reunion tour (considering the fact that when they broke up years prior neither she nor I ever thought we'd be sharing that moment -- but there we were). It was a blast. And I loved it.

Then there was "Rock the Park" 2 years ago. London every year hosts a 3 or 4 day festival with various bands performing to raise awareness and money for MLD . I saw April Wine , Heart (who were completely, unbelievably staggeringly mind blowing) and the iconic southern rockers Lynrd Skynrd in one show. What a fantastic afternoon/evening of music.

Earlier this year was a revisit back to New Kids with Mary. Only THIS time... Backstreet Boys got into the mix. (Mary's other favourite band growing up). So we went to Toronto and saw NKOTBSB baby.... . Their show was high energy, and a lot of fun...but truthfully knowing what awaited me, and having already seen New Kids... it wasn't as over the top as I had hoped it would be. That's not to say I didn't have fun with Mary, Maureen and Megan. I absolutely did! I just wasn't as psyched as I thought I would be.

And then of course...most recently there was Duran Duran . There's nothing really I can say about that that I haven't already conveyed my thoughts on. Brilliant. Mind blowing. Sexy. Everything I thought and knew it would be...and more.

I love concerts. I love music. It's something that drives me and that I have a passion for. I don't get to as many concerts as I'd like to. And certainly there's bands past and current that I'd like to see (or see again...can't imagine who that would be) and hopefully, someday I'll have that opportunity.

One Last Glimpse,
